
Showing posts from August, 2009

Home Alone and Alien

(1) I returned to the start of my PLN this week and had coffee with my first teaching mentor going back 20 years. I learned to be curious about this profession I fell into and just learned so much by observation. I started explaining my 2.0 adventures until her head hurt. She was excited, but all these web hours condensed into 3 hours at Peet's was a bit much. It was nice to try to give back full circle, and yet it made me a bit fearful for the school year to come...... (2) No one else speaks my language at my school. I have been given a crash course in a new language, and have spent this summer practicing verbs and learning new nouns and cuss words in this flat world. This summer I have been with a group who have adventured and empathised along the way, and now I am returning where no one speaks the lingo. It is a sad and scary place to be right now; I don't want to lose the vocab and the drive to learn, but it may be harder without the need to succeed the class has provide...