Can Someone Water My PLN?

Or better babysit it? The assignment this week plus life plus final project stress and frustration has left my PLN undernourished. I have learned to pop up a batch of twitter bites of interest and scan the screens quickly after I have done what I am intending to do. I am hanging in there with twitter. I am still a lurker for the most part, and I still don't believe that folks who post tons of sites are really reading them all and judging their quality. Can there be twitter education paparazzi who just grab and holler look what I found without even processing it? I am getting closer to figuring out who these folks are. I need to find those who are trustworthy and have read and used the sites they rave about. (I still adore Free Technology for Teachers for describing his findings!)

My 2.0 frustrations this week involve obtaining educator access on sites (webpaint, animoto, glogster). I want a person to write to and ask questions as the 'response time' promised by these sites isn't cutting it. I can't use these sites without the advantages advertised by having educator standing. Sigh. One just keeps tapping away at it, doesn't one?

Creative Commons Photo by J.Star


  1. I'm glad I'm not the only one who wonders if people who tweet actually have looked at what they tweet about. I thought maybe I was being too critical.

    I can't babysit your PLN but would be happy to babysit any three or four year olds you have!


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