PLN plans

Some pruning is needed in Twitterland; I have 3 tweeters who resend each others' tweets, and they are all copious. It is too much overlap. Are they really checking out their PLN's sites or just blindly passing the info downstream...not sure what I think about that. I will let some folks ride until school begins as once folks are teaching their tweets may prove more useful as they are running across ideas more frequently. I am scared of those who are tweeting and working on line while camping, 'being' with their youngsters....I hope they take a week off now and again.

Most value is coming out of some of the blogs I've put in my Google Reader such as Free Technology for Teachers, as others have mentioned. Mr. Byrne here gives bites that are just big enough for me to make a decision about checking something out or not. I follow too many nonproductive twitter leads as the descriptions aren't there, and I haven't yet learned whose finds I am most likely to appreciate.

I do appreciate Don's finds as well as Randy's...both of you are giving me good videos for my fall classes without my (yet) getting sucked into the maelstrom of video watching. I am getting as much (if not more) stuff from all of you in the class as I am finding out there from the 'experienced' world---so kudos and gratitude to you all!

At this point I feel that I can handle another blog or four, but they would have to be perfect fits as far as classroom resources or pedagogy; I am full up on 'tool' information, and would like to add in more classroom flavor. I reckon mine and my classmates' blogs may morph along these lines...which is why pruning , and adding, are now a waiting game.


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