Baby Steps in Connecting

Twitter: Well I am nowhere close to 100 folks in my nest; I need to work on that in coming weeks. I have read others ideas about using this platform with students. Still not sure about it. Once class is over, I rather like the idea it is over. I could see using it as an alarm clock to remind them of things, but I have an internet classroom that sends out project reminders. On a personal level, I am still not sure either. I will give it time to develop.

Google Reader: This does save time, especially in jumping about to read class members' blogs. Is there a way to know if blog comments are updated? It seems reader is catching new entries, but I am interested in comments as well and am not sure these count in the feed.

Classroom 2.0: I am now a member here and have looked at some of the threads (some are quite old and inactive), but I need to spend more time in here and see if it has value for me. As I teach so many different sciences, it would be nice to find a place that can support me in several areas.


  1. I had the same question about blog comments. I'm not sure if comments are picked up by Google Reader but I think not because whenever I post a comment on someone else's blog, it does not show up in Reader. It appears to pick up the blog owner's new comments only.

  2. Randy, Do you then have a way of remembering what blogs you've commented on? In cases like this, where I leave a comment and the blog owner responds to me personally, I may never return to the entry, and that seems a bit sad. I wonder if I need some sort of sticky log on my desktop to know where to revisit.....Is there some sort of 'breadcrumb' that exists to help with this scenario? Anyone?

  3. Good question Susan, I was also interested in knowing when someone replied to my comment. I do get comment updates on Google Reader. Other than follow the blogs (which means getting updates when new posts have been put up by author) you have to go to the bottom of the blog and click on "Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom)". They will show up as feeds titled "Comments on... (name of person's blog)" It's kind of a pain because you will have two entries for each blog on Reader, but it does work.

  4. Twitter isn't for everyone - so no worries if it doesn't fit your networking style. I think Classroom 2.0 has a lot of potential, especially the live PD part!


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