Techno Madness

Okay, I don't always have to be able to do technology to support it. I had a TA two years back who appreciated my caring about his passion to do animation. For one entire semester my 5' by 8' office was taken over for the making of this video which he uploaded to youtube. I offered advice, the strange stabbing photoholders, and ideas for the drowning effect. There was dirt everywhere for half of a school year. But Kevin made this with just a digital camera and some software...nothing special. We both discovered what a grueling process an entire animated music video is. I am proud of him. (And I have always like the band Madness.)


  1. That's awesome Susan! I had my AP Bio students do a project in which they filmed their own claymation movies to illustrate a concept they found difficult. They weren't as involved as this one, I only gave them a couple lessons in which to complete the project, but they came out pretty good and it make them think about how they could model a concept for others to understand it better. I'll put a couple of examples up at some point. Thanks for sharing.


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