
Who would have thought that the hardest thing would be to come up with a name for this blog! This is my my fourth blog, and I hope to get over some of the frustrations I have with creating and formating good entries. I have never created one just for myself; they have been assignments of one sort or another. I am getting somewhat quicker, but they still take longer than I have patience for. I have used internet classrooms with my students, and am interested in how their use compares to a class blog.


  1. Hi Susan, I like dark chocolate too! Do yo have a favorite beetle by the way?

    You did good coming up with a blog name... I couldn't think of anything creative.

    What webtool did you use for your internet classrooms?

  2. Susan,

    I'm impressed with your resume. Fourth blog? This is just my second.

  3. Marta, if you click on my link, I use It has been around forever, but is plain and friendly. There are too many beetles to have a favorite, although a good carabid is always good company.

  4. Randy,
    Quantity in no way implies quality, it just means I don't cuss for 10 minutes placing each photo, maybe 2 minutes for a badly behaving one.

  5. I sat for almost an hour trying to name mine and in the end just used my name. Yours is very good. Love beetles. We have 2 pupa cases in school now waiting to see what hatches. My students found them as we worked on a park flower bed for a service learning project. Check out my student blog site,
    My kids have enjoyed it this year.

  6. Fish are way cooler than beetles... sorry


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